14 Disney Teams Join Forces to Grant Alex’s Star Wars Wish

Children's Hospitals & Wish Granting
September 5, 2024
For nearly 45 years, Disney and Make-A-Wish® have granted wishes for more than 155,000 children with critical illnesses. Sometimes, these wishes require extra ingenuity and creativity to grant – like 16-year-old Alex’s wish to build a lightsaber.
Savi’s Workshop in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, offering an incredible lightsaber-building experience, is a galaxy far, far, away from Alex’s home in Brisbane, Australia. To grant Alex’s Star Wars wish, Make-A-Wish Australia and The Walt Disney Company (TWDC) Australia brought Savi’s Workshop close to home.
Preparing for Alex’s Star Wars Wish
Over the course of eight months, TWDC Australia involved 14 teams in five cities to bring the magic of Disney Parks to Brisbane and create an unforgettable adventure for Alex.
“It’s special to receive your very own, custom lightsaber, so we wanted to explore how we could make this experience even more out-of-this-world,” said Shelby Grasser, Manager, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Disney Experiences.
First, Alex received a checklist of activities to prepare for his wish, including participating in a lightsaber training hosted by TWDC Australia. After learning how to wield a lightsaber and becoming an official Jedi Knight, Alex received the news that his wish to build a lightsaber would be granted on May the 4th, a global celebration of the Star Wars franchise created by the fan community.

While Alex prepared for his Star Wars wish, so too did teams across the company. Disney Consumer Products (DCP) and Walt Disney World Resort (WDW) worked in tandem to source Alex’s lightsaber, an item exclusively available within Disney Parks. Lucasfilm, Disneyland Resort (DLR), and Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) sourced assets and produced video content to accompany the wish experience and bring a transmission directly from the Gatherer in Savi’s Workshop.

Days before the wish, WDI’s Cory Rouse, a Senior Creative Director involved in creating Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, briefed talent on how to bring the world-building behind Savi’s Workshop to Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium, the chosen setting for Alex’s wish.
“What Cory was able to do for the wish within the space of an hour was profound,” said Kate Brent, Senior Manager, CSR for TWDC Australia and New Zealand. “Cory told us the wider story – the worlds, the history, the human context and the motivations. We sat at the feet of our Imagineers and had firsthand insight into their skills and dedication to the storytelling,” said Brent.

In line with the educational element of Rouse’s masterclass, Make-A-Wish hosted a wish design workshop, DCP created instructional videos on lightsaber-building, and WDW and DLR teams coordinated informative visits to Savi’s Workshop for Make-A-Wish and DCP.
From creative storytellers to project coordinators to cast members specializing in the guest experience, each team recognized the expertise of the others and came together to bring Disney storytelling to life.
Alex’s Star Wars Wish Comes True
On May the 4th, the Force was with Alex during an immersive experience in Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium, transformed into Savi’s Workshop through video, lighting, sound, props, local talent and the dedication of dozens of Disney employees and cast members.
“With all the stuff that he’s been through, the cancer, the treatment, and all the stuff he’s missed out on… to have this thing that was a solid memory for him, that he’s going to remember forever, it was just so heartwarming and sweet,” said Kami, Alex’s mother.
“This experience surpassed Alex’s wildest expectations and has already had such an incredible impact on not just him but the whole family,” shared Sally Struzinski, the Creative Wish Lead at Make-A-Wish who worked directly with Alex to design his wish.
“The power of a wish is far-reaching. It doesn’t just affect the wish recipient, but their entire family. Sharing a piece of their world for even a brief moment, you understand the smallest gesture can make the biggest impact,” shared Nick Spellicy, Senior Producer, TWDC APAC.
Cross-Company Star Wars Wish Collaboration
The entire Disney family works to grant wishes, but it’s rare for nearly every business segment to be involved in a single wish experience. Naturally, challenges can arise when 14 distinctive teams across four time zones work together, yet in granting Alex’s wish, “No one said no, it was always ‘yes, and…’” Brent shared. “We were united around our desire to support Alex’s wish and pay homage to the Star Wars legacy.”
We were united around our desire to support Alex's wish and pay homage to the Star Wars legacy.
Kate Brent
Senior Manager, CSR for TWDC Australia and New Zealand
“Australia can be quite an isolated country; when we are given the opportunity to work with other markets and feel a global influence, the care, thought and effort feels exponential in its power,” shared Spellicy.
“This is something I will remember and cherish for the rest of my career!” said Ashley Grywczynski, Retail Stage Manager at Disneyland Resort.
Many of these teams wouldn’t have the chance to collaborate if not for Alex’s Star Wars wish, so wish-granting can be an enriching way to connect diverse teams. Cast members and employees, no matter their role or location, feel united by a shared desire to bring Disney magic to children with critical illnesses.
Impact on Disney Wish Granters
Wishes are transformative. The majority of wish children go on to live fulfilling lives, and they often credit their wish for giving them the physical and emotional strength to face their illnesses. But wish-granting is also impactful for the individuals who make it happen, and witnessing a wish being granted is often a significant moment in the career of a Disney cast member or employee.
“It’s always worth it in the end – seeing your wish kid’s face light up after putting so much thought and effort into every detail is a feeling that is hard to beat” said Rachel Warrick, Communications and Internal Events Specialist at Lucasfilm.

And whether someone has granted one wish or ten, it never gets old.
“I never quite get over the feeling I get when I reflect on the fact that this critically ill child, when asked to wish for anything in the world, has chosen Disney. It’s incredibly humbling and a huge responsibility to make it the very best it can be,” Brent expressed.
“Collaborating with Disney to make Alex’s lightsaber wish come true has been an extraordinary experience. The dedication and creativity of the Disney team is beyond compare, crafting such an authentic, immersive, and imaginative experience for Alex,” shared Struzinksi.
Look for more Star Wars wish adventures next week, as 19 wish kids and their families will get to experience their very own Star Wars stories during “Blaze Your Path: A Star Wars Adventure,” the first-ever multi-day wish event at Disneyland Resort.
To learn more about Make-A-Wish and Disney’s work granting life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, visit wish.org/Disney in the U.S. or worldwish.org/disney outside of the U.S.